Expedia issues most refunds for canceled flights within 5-10 business days, Contact 1-855-559-0764 although some airlines take longer to process the request. It may take a week or so for your bank or credit card Company to complete the refund. You can cancel most Expedia flights online or with a live agent.

Expedia issues most refunds for canceled flights within 5-10 business days, Contact 1-855-559-0764 although some airlines take longer to process the request. It may take a week or so for your bank or credit card Company to complete the refund. You can cancel most Expedia flights online or with a live agent.

Expedia issues most refunds for canceled flights within 5-10 business days, Contact
1-855-559-0764 although some airlines take longer to process the request. It may take a week or so for your bank or credit card Company to complete the refund. You can cancel most Expedia flights online or with a live agent.

Expedia issues most refunds for canceled flights within 5-10 business days, Contact 1-855-559-0764 although some airlines take longer to process the request. It may take a week or so for your bank or credit card Company to complete the refund. You can cancel most Expedia flights online or with a live agent.

Expedia issues most refunds for canceled flights within 5-10 business days, Contact 1-855-559-0764 although some airlines take longer to process the request. It may take a week or so for your bank or credit card Company to complete the refund. You can cancel most Expedia flights online or with a live agent.

Expedia issues most refunds for canceled flights within 5-10 business days, Contact
1-855-559-0764 although some airlines take longer to process the request. It may take a week or so for your bank or credit card Company to complete the refund. You can cancel most Expedia flights online or with a live agent.